NDI Property Valuation is headed by
Nicholas Diamantopoulos who is a
certified practising valuer and is an
Associate of the Australian Property Institute and
Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
He has in excess of 24 years of experience in
property valuation having commenced his career
in Local Government rating valuations in 1985.
In 1989 he joined a large international agency based valuation practice and as an Associate Director undertook varied assignments including large industrial complexes, and since 1993 has valued hospitality, health care and specialised assets, including freeholds and leaseholds.
He has undertaken assignments beyond Australia and has an interest in macro-economic impacts on property valuation and is a specialist retail valuer undertaking rental determinations. He is also on the VCAT panel as a member hearing Valuation of Land Act matters which primarily relate to rating and land tax objections.
He is also a strong supporter of sustainable investment with prudence in gearing ratios and also has a passionate interest in modernist architecture and design.